Educational Philosophy
Our educational philosophy is based on the Berliner Bildungsprogramm(BBP). The State’s responsibility for children’s education,
training, care and welfare should be provided in a proportional manner whilst ensuring complete and comprehensive care for each child in a group.
The Nannys Place educational philosophy relies on scientific findings regarding an infant’s early development on the basis of the educational infant’s model by Beller, the approach
of Montessori with the child care worker as a companion and the child himself as “architect of his/her own personality”.
The basic principles underpinning this are:
- Respect for the child’s personality and an individual rate of development
- The child’s individuality and strengths as the basis for accompanying the child
- Emotional embedding in such way that the child is able to trust the key carers and, as a result, to develop self-confidence, self-reliance and self-satisfaction
- Attentive care of the child during interaction and communication situations
- Bilingualism to accompany the child’s activities
- Undivided attention while providing basic care actions to satisfy the fundamental needs of the child
- Accurate observation of the child and his/her actual development, perception of his/her needs and moods and, as a consequence,
- a prepared environment offering open but structured areas for movement, rest, learning and playing within which the child is able to act as autonomously as possible
according to his/her own needs
- Clear rules and limits in order to enable a social co-existence with the result that the children feel safe and are able to play, learn and operate without fear and stress.
These rules form a structure for orientation and organisation for the children and provide them with peace and safety.
- Co-education with the parents in the form of intense exchange brings transparency for all involved, especially in this case of organised cross-services from one
- Monitoring competences and reflection of own courses of action will lead to a multifaceted and realistic interpretation as a result of professional exchange amongst
- Emphatic educators appear as leaders of spontaneous and situational moments, as a helping hand in the child’s life, as creators of the environment and companions during
constructive activities.
- Working with animals dogs,water turtles,rabbits.
We want children to feel safe, that they can always count on companions to build relationships and bond adequately, find friends, rely on a manageable
and fixed planning of their day, as well as on solid social and emotional terms. They should learn to organise their time, test their abilities, develop interests, receive support for overcoming
problems and finding a solid base for their journey into the real world towards independence.