Nannys Place Unicorn gGmbH
Nannys Place Unicorn gGmbH
  • Our bilingual nursery and kindergarten is open from Monday to Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.Friday from 7.00 a.m. to 17.30 p.m. All children have to be in the kindergarten the latest by 10.00 a.m.
  • We offer groups for children from two month and upwards.
  • Our educators are German and English native speakers.
  • We offer preschool education for the year prior to the start of school.
  • Depending on the age of the children, each group is looked after by at least two educators, including at least one person who speaks German and one person whose native language is English to provide a natural, bilingual environment.
  • We focus on bilingual education, music,animals,sport and movement (Bewegtes Lernen) as a means of learning and a help to socialise.
  • We aim to encourage children to try out new things, to be self-confident, tolerant, to develop their own abilities and to accept and respect themselves and others.
  • Our Curriculum follows the German curriculum of Berlin which aims to enable children to understand themselves and their relationship with others and their environment.
  • Parents are our partners, we like to cooperate with you and give support if necessary.

Unsere Kita in der

Drakestraße 1

12205 Berlin

Office: 84723053

Liebe Eltern,

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